
About Real Estate

New York County as a whole covers a total area of 33.77 square miles (87.5 km2), of which 22.96 square miles (59.5 km2) are land and 10.81 square miles (28.0 km2) are water.

A modern redrawing of the 1807 version of the Commissioner’s Grid plan for Manhattan, a few years before it was adopted in 1811. Central Park is absent.

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What you must know about the New York market

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Ut non gravida arcu. Vivamus non congue leo. Aliquam dapibus laoreet purus, vitae iaculis eros egestas ac. Mauris massa est, lobortis a viverra eget, elementum sit amet ligula. Maecenas venenatis eros quis porta laoreet.

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